Equipment Gold / Wild camping
Group equipment will be provided by Hepworth Adventure
Tent 2 and 3 man options available - these will be booked at the training day
Stove 1 per group of 2 or 3 - these will be booked at the training day
Water purification pump 1 per group
Compass one per group - you will need more in the groups so we still advise you take at least to more per group
Map case one per group
Map one per group - the Norway maps are not cheap and not easily replaced so you will need to look after them - in Norway you can buy your own copy or pre order in advance if you want your own copy
Group Equipment from school if needed
Group First Aid kit
GPS tracker
Shovel (for toilet digging)
Water purification tables
Individual Equipment which can be hired form school
Rucksack with cover
Sleeping bags - but advise getting own
Roll mats / Inflatable mat - but advise getting own
Individual Equipment you MUST invest in good quality
Walking boots - these need to be walked in and used for practice and qualifying - if going to Norway you will be dealing with snow NOT trainers and 3 or 4 season will be best.
Waterproofs - Jacket AND trousers - you will not be getting on the coach without them
Walking Socks - you will need one pair per day as they may get wet out on expedition (In Norway there are some river crossings too!)
Dry bags are great for sorting and ordering kit and will help keep everything dry
Clothing - layers required
Hat and Gloves - It will get cold at night even in the UK
Sun cream - in Norway especially the snow reflects the heat and you soon burn
Not essential but recommended
Bug net to go over your head - cheap, simple - if the weather is still in Norway this will help prevent being bitten
Walking poles - these are great on the snow - think about borrowing some if you can as they can really help your confidence on steep ground and slippery conditions
Gaiters - useful in Norway for river crossings with boots on
Please come and speak to a member of staff if you need advice on buying new equipment we can help guide you.