
This is the start of an adventure. At St Clement Danes we offer mainly walking expeditions but in theory you can use a range of mode of transport. To find out more visit the DofE website or search the Approved Activity providers to find your own expedition.

Expedition MUST all have an aim here are some ideas.

Decorate a white t-shirt, using inspiration from the scenery that you see along your route. 

Make a video diary of your team’s experiences, from camping and cooking to reaching your destination. 

Plan a route near a castle and explore how old it is and who occupied it in the past. 

Consider the impact of vehicles on the environment along your route. 

Record your different emotions over the expedition and relate them to the physical challenge. 

At Bronze we will set their aim in the past years we have used "Create a song, poem, rap or drama sketch to encapsulate the spirit of DoE inspired by your journey" and "Record the weather at each checkpoint". The latter is then used in Geography lessons back at school.

Duke of Edinburgh Dates 2023-2024


September Tuesday 19th September – Celebration event – Certificates will be handed out here


Staff and Volunteer welcome meeting -  Tuesday 10th October 6.30 pm - Holborn / Halle room (next to Barbirolli Hall)

Staff training day – 11th November 2024- Chipperfield Common 10am - 1pm


Year 9 Bronze Training expedition 1 – 22nd  – 23rd March 2024

Year 9 Bronze Training expedition 224th  – 25th March 2024

Preparation evening 22nd May – 3.30 – 6pm - including parents meeting at 6pm 

Year 9 Bronze Qualifying 1 – 7th - 8th June 2024

Year 9 Bronze Qualifying 2 – 21st22nd June 2024


Year 10 Silver route planning Saturday 3rd February 2024 - 9am - 3.30pm

Year 10 Silver practice expedition – 9th -11th May 2024

Year 10 Silver route planning after school June TBC

Year 10 Silver Qualifying 27th June - 29th June 2024


Year 12 Gold Training Session 29th November 2:45 - 5pm M7 - Followed by Parent meeting in Quiet Study 5.15 - 6pm

Year 12 Gold Training session 11th January after school - Cooking!

Year 12 Gold Training Day 3rd February 2024 - 9.30 - 4pm

Year 12 Gold practice expedition -28th March – 1st April 2023  (LAKE DISTRICT)

Year 12 Gold practice planning day - 26th June 9am - 3.30pm 

Year 12 Gold route planning day - Wednesday after school dates TBC

Year 12 Gold Qualifying 12th – 19th July (NORWAY)

At Gold we try to give you as much choice over your expedition as possible we work with a number of Approved Activity Providers to give you a choice.

Walking is by far our most popular mode of transport but we have had students complete their expedition on horseback, kayaking and sailing. Please speak to Mrs Kirby about what mode of transport you would like and she will be able to support you find the right expedition.

At Gold the walking expedition must take place in "wild" country and students are also give the opportunity to "wild" camp. This means walking up to the remote hills and mountains and pitching your tent in a suitable location, usually close to a water source. Students have to be prepared to dig their own toilet and collect water from the streams. The added bonus is that the following day there is less uphill climbing as the climbing was completed the day before.

Here are some of the feedback from students who have wild camped:

"Loved it, very fun to laugh with friends and experience camping away from anyone else"

"It was really fun, I enjoyed the freedom of it and the views were amazing, I would definitely recommend it to other people. The walk up there had us regretting it but the camp made it worth it."

"Fab but the walk there was horrendously boggy. It was nice to see the stars"